I’m Martí Serra. I am a developer who loves to create great products.

My fascination with coding sparked at the age of 14. The power to transform ideas into reality and witnessing my code come to life has been my greatest source of satisfaction.

Since I started, I‘ve explored various languages and technologies, creating Unity games with C#, venturing into Android development using Android Studio, and later delving into web development. All of that while studying a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.

My main focus has been on web development, especially on the frontend side. I started with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then I moved on to React and Next.js. I have also worked with backend technologies such as Node.js, Express, and MongoDB.

Mastering these technologies has not only fueled the creation of remarkable projects, but has also provided me with opportunities to contribute significantly to companies that have been exceptionally valuable for my professional growth.