Projects I've worked on, with the goal of making a lasting impact.

Throughout the years I've worked on a great number of projects, but these are the ones that I am most proud of. Some of them are open source, so if you see something that catches your eye, check out the code and feel free to contribute if you think it can be improved.

  • Moments

    Social network for capturing, sharing and reliving your best moments.

  • Universal Plastic

    App that empowers communities to collect waste to receive money.

  • Canvas User Interface

    Library to create user interfaces with the HTML5 canvas element.

  • Multiplayer Puzzle

    Game to play with your friends, where you have to solve a puzzle together.

  • Formity

    Package to build dynamic forms with just a JSON, easy as it has never been before.

  • Mongu

    Package to create expressions for getting results, using just a JSON.

  • Promptsity

    Package to build dynamic prompts with just a JSON, easy as it has never been before.

  • Animate Screen

    Package to create breathtaking animations that unfold as the user scroll.